Monday 9 September 2013

Rare Royal Cape

Hello jammers! Sorry that there was no post yesterday, (and that today's is late) I'm only aloud get up early and go one the laptop on one condition; If I'm posting on AJS (Animal Jam Spirit,) But Snowyclaw, (The author) hasn't even posted anything about the author tryouts yet.. so I haveent a clue of if I'm going to get in or what.. anyway, as I 'predicted' yesterdays item was the gold necklace..
And todays item is the Rare Royal Cape, on the.. on the.. on the second page of Jam-Mart-Clothing.
Actually, this one doesn't look bad! But Im not exactly one for those rares. ;) Anyway, I'm ACTUALLY going to UPDATE the funny pictures page! Isn't that JUST AMAZING!? So while I do that, I hope you guys have fun reading this post. :D
P.S. When I went to the party yesterday, I was right; there WAS no one there.. :(

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Hey jammers! So happy your about to leave a comment! But please follow theese rules first!
1. No Bullying or hate comments.
2. No bad language.
3.No Innapropriate behaviour.
4. You can have your opinion-say If you like the post or not, what you think matters. (Example:I dont think the ((word here)) was a good idea..)
5.If you have a question, or suggestion, dont be afraid to ask! I`m always open for new ideas, and I`d be happy to answer your questions!
Happy Jamming-wackywolf81