Tuesday, 30 April 2013


Hey Jammers! Whats up? Anyways todays new item is the corn for  the garden. Sold in jam-mart-furniture.
 And I hope you all got a chance to get the rare fox hat yesterday I know the prices went Up but Lots of jammers have been looking for it!

Thats all jammers! Bye!

Monday, 29 April 2013


Hey jammers! Today  something that I never thought would happen happened today. Well something that I never thought would happen again happened. FOX HATS CAME BACK INTO STORES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here was the crowd first time I got in:

 Second time..
I know right!!!!!! So much people! Make sure t get a few before they go out of stores! Hmm.. Im going to name my buddy of the week now..
Its mogly. Congrats, mogly!!

Saturday, 27 April 2013

Underwater top hat and trades

Heyo Jammers!! Todays new Item is the underwater Top hat Now this sounds interesting..
 Two more things after that. Ok   1.    I have a pink   Ledgendary glove. Im not a big fan of pink so I want a different color. Any color really. If you will trade with me please Send me a Jam-a-gram on AJ or comment here ^.^     ok   2.    I know thi isnt really AJ related but Im going to tell you about my favourite ledgend (story, ledgend) :The loch Ness Monster. I dont live in scotland but for some reason its the ledgend I like best. I think the Loch ness monster (Nessie,Waterhorse, ect.) anyways, Its a very popular ledgend so you should kno but If you dont, here it is. There is said to be a monster living in the Loch Ness, Scotland. Lots of people claimed they saw this monster but there is no proof. Just fuzzy pictures. However, When I read a book about it a while ago, The book said that, in the time of the dinosaurs there was a dino called Plesiosaur.
Plesiosaur  was a dinosaur who lived underwater. So thats why I beleive the Loch Ness monster is real. Because there was something like it a long tiime ago.  It could have survived. Like, I forget the name but, It was a fish and everyone thought it was extinct Millions of years ago. But one day there was a man out fishing. It was reported that he caught a live  one of them. So just think a fish beleived to have been extict millions of years ago, was found alive! Dont you find that amazing? The Plesiosaur Could still be alive. There are still many species of animals that we do not know of or have not even discovered yet, alive. So the loch ness monster could be. I think the loch ness monster is just a Plesiosaur. One that survived. what do you think? do you beleive this ledgend?
Whoa! Long post there! sorry if I bored you, I just love that ledgend and wanted to see if anyone else beleived you. Even if I am Supposed to be only posting about animal jam. I decided to post about this. Im going to put up a poll to ask if you beleive it or not.

Friday, 26 April 2013

Sorry and sir gilbert

Hey jammers this is going to be a really short post so here goes, Toadays new item si the crystal sir gilbert sild in the furniture orb of epic wonders!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok I have to go now I will explain tomorow! :)

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Scamming summer carnival, update sorry (ECT.)

                                                    Click here to enter a rare item giveaway
                                                      ENTER EVERY DAY to increase your chances of winning!    
                                                         *5 DAYS LEFT*

Hi  jammers, Lots of NEW stuff today!! There was a new update:
 Jam Session, Huh? Sounds pretty fun to me!
Cool, some instruments! And sadly (   :(   )   ore animals are leaving!
Although, It just accured to me that they may be making space for new animals! isnt that exciting!?!? And just now I realied Im really close to the jam session:
 I might not be able to attend I have to go pretty soon.. :(   AJHQ are holding a photo booth contest..
 OOOH!! I JUST MIGHT MAKE IT TO THE JAM SESSION!! (sorry lol) oh! This is exciting! The summer carnival is soon returning!
And wow! this is neat! you can now grow your OWN GARDEN!! Im going to start right after this post ^.^
They ARE a nice little item for eart day ^.^ here me, proudly standing beside my one tomato plant:
 you can find theese nice items in jam-mart furniture!
HEY!! I MADE IT!!! :
Here are the items being sold:

Get up on the stage and jam out with friends! If you get enough people dancing lights go off!! Ok I have to go jammers bye!

Monday, 22 April 2013

                            click here to enter an item giveaway!
                                       6 days left. ENTER EVERY DAY to increase your chances of winning!

Hey jammers! Todays new item is the rare winter blanket on the second page of the shiveer shoppe:
 sorry no video today I cant do it im on a different computer ok sorry for short post gotta go jammers bye!!!

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Ok jamers I forgot to add the giveaway video so here it is!

Giveaways and earth day!

Click here to enter a rare item giveaway
 seven days left.

Hey jammers! I have decided to do another are item Giveaway! Click above to enter! It would be helpful If you could send In some items for it too! Anywhoo todays new item is the earth dday banner!  sold in jam-mart furniture and the best part? ITS NONMEMBER!!
 :) now. Um.. um.. um.. (think think think..)  Here is a funny video of a talking dog! :)

Saturday, 20 April 2013

Well actually..

Hey jammers!  Well, there is one short little tiny Post today! and its about the competition winners! The eyeball hat goes to...
ekjma2000! And the merch wings go to...
Crouchingwolf! congrats, guys! No more from me today! But check out my scammer watch blog Here!

Friday, 19 April 2013

Tuxedo and um...sorry

Hey jammers! Todays new item is the Tuxedo sold In The clothing orb of epic wonders...
 à² _ಠ  Very... human..    Hmm nothing else ^.^ bye jammers!(Sorry for not posting + sorry for short post <:(  )

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Horseshoe set and Chatroll

Heya jammers todays new item is the horseshoe set! ^.^ 
 And I joined chatroll! My username Is Broken_spirit ^.^
 And dont forget to vote for AJHQ at the webbys! click here to go to the site and vote now! remeber tell friends and family even AJ buddies!

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

scammer watch giveaways and Pinwheels

Heyo animal jammers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im feeling Giddy today so lets get on with this ^.^  Todays new item is the pinwheel It is completely new and found in Jam-mart-furniture.
 And I made a new scammer watch blog!! Its where I um..well watch out for scammers of course!! Click here I hope you Like it! Now is anyone wondering how AJHQ is doing in the Webby awards?
Just click here to go and vote again!!! Remember, You can vote EVERY day!  Click here to enter an item giveaway just comment leving your username. If you know any scammers, comment below and tell me, I might just post them on my scammmer watch blog. If i do il give you credit!

Monday, 15 April 2013

Rare, Webby and Giveaways.

Hi jammers!! Todays item is the rare flower glassess in the ninth page of jam amrt clothing`s catalog.
 And AJHQ is doing a little better with the Webby awards:
 Click here to go to the site and vote again! Remeber, you can vote every day! Now, I have been thinking.. Maybe I should start doing Item giveaways.. What do you think jammers? I did some contests before but they didnt  turn out well because only one person or no one entered. I was quite upset. I will try one rare item give away and see how it goes.  If i get many entries I will do more :). before I start the giveaway I was thinking, What if some people dont know how to comment on blogs? (I know most do, but Just in case) Im going to show you how.  
1. Go down to the bottom of the post and click (what it usually says) No comments.
  2.  Then you will be brought down here
If you have a blogger account (or just  google) click google account and you can just type in your comment.
3.If you have not got a google account go to the bottom and select Anonymous.
   You can also select to comment with your : LiveJournal account, WordPress account, TypePad account, AIM account OpenID Or  Name/URL (I dont know what half of theese are but you might)
4. Type in your comment and click publish.
 When you click publish it will say Publishing.. (only takes 3 seconds!)  Then Ta-Da! Your comment appears!     Ok Im ready for the item giveaway
There will be 3 items given away this time! Some items may be rare! (Or expensive XD!)

Ok so just comment and leave your user, I will do a draw then and try to be as random as I can!! There will be one jammer who wins an item. Example:  The silver glove goes to... littlehappybuddy! The eyeball hat goes to...  Wackywolf81! KInda like that ^.^ happy jamming!

Sunday, 14 April 2013

Ropes and Webby awards

Hi jammers! Todays new item is the rope.
Wow. A rope. Thats exciting...
On a more exciting note,  I noticed that animal jam is runnong for the Webby awards. What are the Webby awards you ask? Its like a huge internet competition thing ^.^  And as I said before Animal jam is running!
 But the problem is... Their not doing so well..
 9%?? The is 10 Million kids on animal jam and they get 9% ?  They need some help from us jammers, to win click here to vote now!!   Comment on how much they have by the time YOU get to vote! Im sure they have some chance. :)

Saturday, 13 April 2013

hood with feather

Hi jammers!! Todays new item is the hood with a feather
 Hmm... It reminds me of robin hood ^.^ Its sold in the epic wonders clothing orb!  Um.. I cant think of anything elsee ^.^ so bye jammers!